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Inflation is hitting hospitality industry hard
According to UK Hospitality turnover within the sector was up last year by 6.7% but, compared to 2019, remains almost 30% behind in real terms when taking inflation into account.
These days, while demand is good, it’s almost impossible for venues to keep up with the cost of doing business. Across the industry, within pubs, bars, and restaurants, energy prices have surged by 81% over the last year and the inflation of hospitality food prices in June 2023 was 22.6% above the equivalent figure recorded at the same time last year.
So many of our customers operate within the hospitality sector and we know they are working hard to maintain standards while managing unprecedented rates of inflation.
As a company, we are committed to helping them maintain their premises and work hard to create a strong team of suppliers who deliver the best quality work and are transparent across everything we do to create the most cost-efficient solutions.