Sustainable Hospitality

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How to Make Your Pub or Restaurant Environment Friendly

Sustainable hospitality is a hot topic! The Morning Advertiser recently published an article that focuses on why embracing sustainability is critical for today’s pubs.


While cost factors are today holding many hospitality businesses back from fully embracing sustainability, it is at the heart of many establishments that are all well aware of the need to make an environmental impact.


There is little doubt that the industry appreciates the importance of creating an environment-friendly space for customers while cutting energy consumption costs, particularly in the face of a sustainably conscious public, with a recent report (Nutritics and CGA by NIQ) revealing that over 37 million eco-conscious Brits are happy to pay more if pubs and restaurants offer sustainable options.


Below are some top tips for making your hospitality business more sustainable:


  1. Implement better waste disposal routes


A significant area for hospitality businesses to focus on is waste management as there are many benefits of a well-managed waste system, including cost reduction. Start by considering composting food waste, which offers a byproduct of enhancing plant growth and soil fertility, recycling plastics, and implementing proper disposal of waste materials.


  1. Energy Efficiency


Switch to energy-efficient fixtures and fittings to reduce energy consumption. This can include using LED lighting instead of traditional light bulbs, installing motion sensor switches, and using energy-efficient appliances. You could also consider installing solar panels to help offset costs and power from some of the energy-hungry commercial equipment.


  1. Water Conservation


Water is a life-supporting resource that businesses need to conserve. As much as water consumption is essential to the hospitality industry, it is crucial to use this resource wisely. Simple ways of conserving water include the installation of low-flow showerheads and faucets, fixing leaks as soon as possible, and investing in water-saving products. You can also harvest rainwater or greywater to water plants, clean equipment, or flush toilets.


  1. Sourcing Locally


By sourcing food locally, you reduce emissions from transportation while supporting the local economy. Sourcing food from local suppliers ensures that customers get fresh and seasonal produce that combines the best possible flavour and nutrition. Collaborating with local suppliers is something that CIC has practiced for 20 years, not only does it reduce emissions but ensures that the work we do in any area of the country supports the local economy.


  1. Engaging Staff and Customers


Engaging staff and customers is one of the best ways to create a sustainable business culture. You can incentivise your staff to come up with ideas that push the business towards more sustainable operations, while customers should be informed that, when visiting your establishment, they are also contributing towards a sustainable environment.


  1. Refurbishing over demolish

When considering opening a new hospitality business, one serious consideration should be to renovate and refurbish an existing building rather than demolish and rebuild.


Historically, there was debate about whether it was better for the climate to demolish an old energy-hungry building and build a well-insulated replacement. However, it is now widely considered a mistake due to the amount of carbon emitted during the construction of a new building. If the exterior of a building is in disrepair, for instance letting in water or cold air, it is less likely to be energy efficient and will have increased heating requirements and therefore a larger carbon footprint. Good maintenance and updating the fabric of the building is vital to ensure it is energy-efficient and carbon-saving.


There is so much that can be done to breathe new life into an old building, and we have plenty of experience within this area. From the refurbishment of The Cherry Tree, a 14th Century building acquired by Oakman Inns, which included the preservation of original aspects of the property while integrating more contemporary styles to The Punch Hotel, in Hull, where we brought the botanical history of the Grade II listed pub to life.


Sustainability has become a critical way to differentiate businesses and attract eco-conscious customers. Taking some of the steps suggested above can result in cost savings, enhance the profile of your business, and increase customer satisfaction.


Image credit @Vectonauta