Home > Updates and Insights > A strong start to 2023…
So far this year is looking very positive for CIC
As we all know people make businesses and we already have amazing people working at CIC, but recently we have added to the internal team with the appointment of Shannon, Lee and Nigel have joined the site management team and Peter and Richard have joined the senior management team.
WOW what a start for 2023
The media is continually talking us into recession but with great people, a solid supply chain and a “can do” approach the sky’s the limit. We have to be clear though that none of this would be possible without the amazing clients that have supported us throughout the recent difficult times and without going into detail we would like to thank Duncan, Alan, David, Julian, Gerald, Stuart,Peter, Charles, James, Malcolm, Kath, Drew and Kevin -you know who you are- for your support and projects to work on throughout 2022 and into 2023.
Hopefully, we will be putting out more great news in the very near future with 3 new clients looking to help diversify the current portfolio (watch this space) once again demonstrating… CIC doing what we do best