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Hotel industry still attracting investment

Despite the uncertainty over Brexit, the hotel industry is still attracting investment with budget hotel chains dominating the market. According to a recent article in Hotel Owner 7,500 new budget...

Conversions to Hotels on the Rise

The annual UK Hotel Development Opportunities 2019 report reveals that the composition of new supply within the sector is altering. Whilst the development of new build hotel rooms constitutes the...

Customer expectations dropping

Customer expectations appear to be dropping as the day continues according to recent data released by guest feedback service Feed It Back. The report revealed that the overall satisfaction score...

How do diners make decisions…?

The Summer 2019 issue of Propel featured the results of Elliotts’ third annual ‘How Diners Make Decisions’ survey. The results revealed that while there is a rise in demand for...

Catering to the digital millennial during a refurbishment

According to reports, hotels are investing in refurbishments more frequently and the driving force behind this is technology and the overriding need to meet the demands of digital-savvy customers.  ...

Maximise the space

Restaurant space is at a premium and, as many are located within listed buildings, there are considerable restrictions to negotiate when planning a refurbishment. So it is vital that the...

Cookie Cutter Hotels

Interesting article in Hotel Owner. While the UK budget hotel market is thriving, part of the appeal is that you know exactly what you are getting. From the reception, through...

Top tips to renovating in a ‘live’ environment

Renovations are an essential part of a hotel and restaurant’s lifecycle. However, as many establishments are remaining open to minimise loss of revenue, renovations can cause operational and customer complications...

Consider zoning when refurbishing to boost revenue streams

Catering for different audiences within a single venue is becoming increasingly important to drive up trade. While the majority of pubs and restaurants today are trying to create an open...

Recent headlines on the budget hotel growth

News that the budget hotel brand Easyhotel increased its total revenue by 24% to £19.9 million for the six months to March 2019, fuels the growth of budget hotels. The...